About Us.

Somali Environmental
Conservation Organization

(SECO) is a civil society nonprofit youth-led organization committed to build, nurture restore and preserves the socioeconomic and cultural environment of Somalia and ensuring environmental sustainability through conservation and improvement of livelihoods in the communities. At the mean time our scope is Somalia and later on with a fully established foundation, we shall expand to the rest of the region and possibly in the Continents.

Somali Environmental
Conservation Organization

Organization  was founded on April 2022 by a proactive and energetic youth in development minded to respond to the environmental challenges threatening the sustainability of the environment in the near future. SECO encourages youth to be at the forefront in campaigning and ensuring the future’s generation life is not compromised in any way. Engagement and awareness raising are our key tools we shall employ so as to enable us to meet our set objectives.

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Vision and Mission

Vision Statement

To be a global leader in environmental and community services and addressing the urgent challenges posed by climate change through research, education, and advocacy.  

Mission Statement

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cup-idatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


To promote sustainable and equitable solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change and build resilience in communities around the world.

Strategic Objective

To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet sustainable environmental needs, encourage to reduce risk and vulnerability to climate change, enhance the well-being and the capacity to anticipate, and respond successfully to change. More specifically, our objective is to provide training and capacity building for young people, youth organizations as well as to facilitate active participation of youth in environment development policy-making.

Specific Objectives

The purposes of this organization shall be:

  1. Raise awareness about the causes and impacts of climate change through education and outreach programs.
  2. Empower individuals and communities to take action against climate change through grassroots organizing and activisms.
  3. Collaborate with other organizations and stakeholders to promote climate action and resilience in local communities and beyond.
  4. Advocate for Policies and legislations that support sustainable and renewable energy sources, as well as carbon reduction initiatives.
  5. Foster partnerships with businesses, governments, and other organizations to advance climate-friendly initiatives and solutions.
  6. Engage in Public discourse and media campaigns to raise the profile of climate change issues and advocate for urgent actions

Core Values

The organization members and volunteers are guided by the following core values;

  1. Scientific integrity: We are committed to conducting rigorous and unbiased research to inform our work on climate change.
  2. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and partnerships to address the complex challenges of climate change.
  3. Equity and justice: We strive to promote equitable and just solutions that prioritize the needs of vulnerable communities and future generations.
  4. Action-oriented: We are dedicated to translating knowledge into action by advocating for meaningful policies and empowering individuals to make a difference.
  5. professionalism
  6. Commitment
  7. Hard, Smart and Team work
  8. Transparency and Accountability
  9. Dedication and